Thursday, 25 January 2007

I seem to have cheered up


Christ I can be a moody cow.

By the way, what do you call a straight RL male presenting as a gay female in SL? Transavi?

Kraken, if you're reading this - I am sooooooOooOOoooooOOOOO looking forward to seeing that build. Like, SO rilly rilly rilly looking forward to it. Ants in my pants kind of thing.....XP

Oh - everyone is selling up on my island. What's up with that?

Tuesday, 23 January 2007

I'm Bored

Can you tell?

Namaste has gone.....Shermie is as bored as I am. Phree's not around. I need more normal people to hang out with!!!

....says the halo-ed cat with the killer claws and tutu.

I wonder how much longer I will stay for....

My Friends Often...

...accuse me of having my head stuck up my arse, but this is ridiculous!

Luxe was caught unawares at Sylfie's new Prim Seductions main store

Sunday, 21 January 2007

If You're Ever Feeling Lame...

...about being a pathetic shut-in, constantly on the computer and watching your RL slip away...

Rest assured, there's always someone duller.

A New Week....

Luxe foolishly wore heels from Minx (and broke them),
but her flatcap from FNKY! and her Toxicity dress from Canimal held up nicely

Ok, enough moping now. I accept that there's only so much I can do....

And besides, it's my Birthday Week!! Woohoo! So the theme for this week will be Things that I Have, instead of Things that I Have Lost.

And something I DO have is this brilliant ghetto blaster I made over the weekend to accompany my new Krazy Legz breakdancing robot. Hours of obsession. Shermie would visit in the morning.....and come back 10 hrs later to see me still hunched over the blasted (pun intended) thing with the only visible change being a knob repositioned slighty (oh, but what a perfect knob it is. Um, that sounds kind of WRONG).

The best thing about it can select classic b-boy tracks from the 80s! It might be elementary, my dear Watson, but I'm thrilled!

Hey You the Rocksteady Crew (RSC)
Rock It (Herbie Hancock)
The Message (Grandmaster Flash)
It's Like That (Run DMC)
Scorpio (Grandmaster Flash)
Rapper's Delight (Sugarhill Gang)

Requests are most welcome!

"How many prims?" you ask. 89. MUAHAHAHAHA!!! Krazy Legz and the beatbox were inspired by a certain someone anyway, so I suppose high-prims are mandatory...

Also - can I just say that the Academy SL and TUi chat channels are a brilliant resource for new builders/scripters. Most people are soooooo helpful, and I've made some cool friends.

Props to Juliet/Kommissario for not just loving the boombox, but also showing me where to get the best breakdancing HUD in SL with wicked moves, and you can invite up to 4 people to pop with you (Abranimations).

Now if I could just find an illustrator....I might post a wanted ad on the forums....

Friday, 19 January 2007

By the Death of Lover's Tree I Sat Down and Wept

RELIC - "Death of Lover's Tree", Sanctum Sanctorum (SLurl)

I have hurt someone dear to me.
*bows head in shame and sadness*

Wednesday, 10 January 2007


I've realised that there is a common thread that binds me to my friends in SL - obsessive compulsive disorder.

I have been building non-stop for three days, at the expense of eating, sleeping and communicating with anything that isn't made of pixels.

A typical Luxe Process:
1) Sketch a design and decide to start working on it at 4pm.
2) 4pm I'm still frantically TP'g from shop to shop trying on my 322nd demo skin.
3) 4:45pm finally sit down to build.
4) 5:22pm I'm on prim #15 of about 50.
5) 5:23pm I rez prim # 16 and twist and taper it a bit before thinking y'know, this shape would make a brilliant lampshade!!!!!
6) 7:30pm still working on that lampshade, having taken about 10 detours to look for textures, scripts and animations to go with it. I don't have my robot but I have this mad 40 prim lamp that would look just perfect....nowhere!

I'm probably going to burn out very soon, I can feel myself teetering on the edge.

It's so funny, but my closest friends in SL are the same! We make plans to do things...but the desire, the need, heck...the burning necessity for one of us to find that perfect texture, or search for that ideal plant in (minimum) 20 different shops completely blows our plans out of the window. And let's not talk about the time it takes to obsess about where aforementioned plants/textures etc should go.

What about my friend who had an important RL appointment the next day but was still logged on a couple of hours before scheduled appointment??


But hey - we're the normal's the rest of the world who have gone mad.


Yeah, keep telling yourself that Luxe.

Oh great, now I'm talking to myself as well. OCD and a multiple personality disorder. For fuck's sake, what's bloody next - Tourette's?

Luxe and friends are in skins by TaP

Monday, 8 January 2007

A New Gallery of Old Robots

I've been making stuff! Specifically, reproductions of tin robots that I love and collect RL. They'll be serialised & sold in limited quantities. I'm not sure what anyone would do with a tin robot in SL, but then again - what do I do with tin robots RL? It's not like they bring me my morning cup of tea (1 sugar, slightly milky, thick as sludge TYVM).

AND I made the gallery to house them in. All by myself. With alot of encouragement from my lovely F *bisous*.

The gallery is in Seonhan (69, 122, 35). Please come see me!

Fanks Shermie for the title inspiro.

And Phree if you're reading this, you were a real sweetheart about that parcel.

Tuesday, 2 January 2007

Life is a Box of Chocolates

Luxe and Double Luxe are wearing camo bikinis by Kru

It's no secret that the Alabasters are notorious for a) being gluttons and b) having a snail-paced metabolism. The Christmas season is fraught with peril. Mince pies and log cakes. Roast turkey and bacon drippings. Cream. Custard. Crackling. Oh, crackling....surely the most wonderous of all food groups?

*Slaps herself out of food trance*

That damned Newton had to ruin it with his bloody Third Law. It never works the way you want it to - why can't the act of lifting a tasty morsel to your mouth produce an equal and opposite reaction in your metabolic rate, resulting in dramatic weight loss?

I am considering pursuing a new career in reverse Before/After modelling. Nevermind the modelling diss in my earlier post, these are desperate times.

It's either that or become a poster girl for Feeders'R'Us. Not a bad idea, except for the guys I'd end up meeting. Talk about a co-dependant relationship. Years in fanks, guv - I'd much rather use the money to upgrade from Maldon to fleur de sel. And maybe invest in a colonic or ten....